Monday, July 2, 2012

Action, Synchronicity and Freedom

Dr. Carlos Letelier did not wait for magic to happen to create his successful oral surgery practice.  He continually took action, so he was prepared when synchronistic opportunities presented themselves.  The result -- he created a life of freedom for, and with, his family. 

As a young man, Carlos traveled the world with a backpack and as little as $50 in his wallet.  He took action to follow his dream to travel, and believed, and did find, odd jobs everywhere he traveled to support his dream.  He continually sought opportunities to learn.  He used those opportunities to continue his education (where he meet his wife and business partner). As a young man, those opportunities looked like medical training.  As a young doctor, those opportunities looked like securing the assistance of a first rate consulting firm to build the foundation of his practice.  He is reserved, yet adventurous.  He is a risk taker, yet grounds his optimism with preparedness.  He feels fear, yet never allowed fear to stop him from taking a risk. 

By stepping out of his comfort zone – leaving his native country Chili, where his entire family of origin, including his identical twin remain today – he allowed unrelated events to come together to pave the stepping stones of his life.  He did not dream of being an oral surgeon as a little boy.  He did not dream of living in Las Vegas.  He is doing both very successfully.

What Carlos did was follow his heart, informed by his head.   That is synchronicity in action. That is how magic happens.  That is how miracles occur.  That is the energy your dreams need to become reality.  When grounded optimism meets prepardness, synchronicity is in action.

Dr. Success Challenge:  In the United States this is what I call Freedom Week.  What action are you willing to take to free yourself from your fear of clarifying your passion and living a life on purpose? 

Thank you Sarah Stuart for the graphic used on this blog.

And in the words of Dr. Hew Len, "Wishing you peace beyond all understanding."

Andrea T. Goeglein, PhD

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