Monday, April 26, 2010

Child's Play Part 1

In the forward of the book, Extrodinary Knowing, the reknowned human development pychologist Carol Gilligan wrote,

"Knowing through connectedness--the word that would join us, bridging lisby's work and mine.  It is how children know.  And then, when connectedness is shattered or discounted or overridden, they come not to know."

Dr. Success Challenge:  Begin reconnecting to your childhood sense of 'knowing'.  To start, do this exercise.  Look at the photo taken by New York City designer, Roxane W. Isbey, Jr. then answer these questions: 

What do you see?  What memory does this photo rekindle?  What current dream or goal does this photo remind you of? 

Thank you Roxane for the use of your copyrighted photo.

Andrea T. Goeglein, PhD
Dr. Success

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