Saturday, November 7, 2009

When Books Become Things

Each month I feature a different book on a segment of the morning television show, AM Arizona. I post a blog about the book I am featuring. I choose books that align with the themes of positive psychology and human development. Almost exclusively I choose books that require the reader to take some action to shift from where they are to where they believe they want to be next. My September section was When God Winks and October was You Unstuck.

This month there will be no new book featured on the November 10th segment. Instead, I will be featuring someone who brought those books to life. Her name is Sherry Campa and her product is the Dreamy Comfort Pillow Holder (notice hot look fabric headrest cover in photo). Let me explain.

When I completed last month’s segment and turned on my phone, there was a message from a woman by the name of Sherry Campa. I did not know a Sherry Campa. Her message stated that she was a 62 year old grandmother. She traveled by bus a lot and noticed that people in wheelchairs had a very uncomfortable looking, and generally not well fitting, headrest on their chairs.

Me being the optimist that I am, thought she had just seen the segment on You Unstuck and wanted to tell her story of how she – against many, many obstacles – got unstuck. Take note of how an optimist thinks!

Actually, she was a viewer in the Phoenix area, but had not watched that day. She was just looking for ways to get the word out about her new product. She made the right decision that day. After I got over my initial ungrounded optimism, I realized that Sherry was the perfect example of a person who noticed When God Winks and took action to make sure she got You Unstuck.

Here is her MO: Sherry is divorced, economically struggling, disabled (but not in a wheelchair), and over 60 years old. The bus is her only means of transportation. Not exactly what you think when you think budding inventor and entrepreneur. Yet, she observed a need (When God Winks), asked her seamstress friend Marilyn to sew a prototype, researched free resources like those offered at a government program called SCORE to understand how to patent her product, and started making calls to find outlets to showcase and sell her product (You Unstuck).

Because of all the action Sherry took – not because she believed her circumstances defined her life – Sherry will be on the segment of AM Arizona with her product. She had her former landlord – a Phoenix police officer – test one in his patrol car and is now endorsing her product. She made a friend in the general manager of the Scottsdale Pinnacle Nissan dealership who got the ball rolling and is featuring her product on their website. And then there is her original market – wheelchair occupants. A medical supply store is in the process of getting her product on their website.

No budget, no prior experience, no real advantages. Yet at 62 she can add inventor, patent holder, and budding entrepreneur to her life successes.
Morale of this story: Optimism, no matter how ungrounded, coupled with action, can help you pack your Dreamy Pillow for real life comfort. The comfort of knowing you did not just dream, you got up from your pillow and achieved.
Sherry's website is not yet complete, but you can contact her at
With hope in my heart,
702 869 3729
866 975 3777 toll-free

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