Saturday, October 31, 2009

Unexpected Teachers Part II

In my last post, I challenged you to spend a week saying four simple phrases as you engaged in all your activities and encountered all the people, places and things that crossed your path. I told you I would share how using this process has impacted my life.

First I want to tell you about the book Dana suggested that got this whole process moving. It is ZeroLimits by Joe Vitale and Hew Len, Ph.D. I did not know Dr. Len or his work prior to reading the book. I had encountered Joe Vitale and his work over the years and put him neatly into my “he is not my teacher” category. After reading ZeroLimits, I own that my reaction to what I would call “spiritual marketing techniques” is totally some memory playing out in my subconscious. Now each time I feel a need to refer to Joe, or anyone else for that matter, as “not my teacher”, I repeat the four suggested phrases: I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, and thank you. I have learned a lot from this process.

1. I have learned that I have a new way of noticing when I am judging someone or something and a new technique to clear my judgment and align more with my spirit and my God.

2. I have been attempting to develop a way of marketing that allows me to feel good about the material I present, allow others to access the information without feeling manipulated, and still make a profit from doing what I love to do. ZeroLimits showed me ways to do just that. By noticing what rubbed me wrong, stopping and clearing the thoughts by replacing with the four phrases, I was able to see not what I did like, but how I could present my material. And I really like sending love to someone instead of feeling judgmental toward them. Reminds me a lot of the concept of unconditional love. You don’t have to agree with someone, you just have to love them.
3. I learned that like all personal development, sending love instead of passing judgment is a lifelong task.

Most of all, I came across information in ZeroLimits that helped me clarify for myself something that has troubled me most my life. From the point of my religious training, your only purpose is to love God. Since God is in everyone, I was to love everyone. I could never get it. I could not see how I was supposed to love God before my love of my child, or my husband, or my parents. I would always say the people must come first. Through this and other books, I have come to understand that when I focus only on cleaning my relationship with God through loving everyone, I have actually put God first and put the people in my life first. There is no separation other than the separation I created in my mind. My love of and for God and others is no longer a hierarchy putting one person ahead of or behind God but my infinite actions based in love.

Most of all what I learned was that I must remain open to the teaching which come through expected teachers.

With appreciation and love, Andrea
866 975 3777
702 869 3729

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