Thursday, February 23, 2012


Go Placidly...not something I usually say, or that other's would suggest to me...yet another of the gifts of love I received in February was a beautifully printed copy of the poem Desiderata.   The poem was a gift from entrepreneur Christi McAdams.  The opening line is:  Go placidly amid the noise, and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence...

Silence.  The hardest part of teaching as I teach (which means I must continuely learn this point) is that it is in silence that our greatest ideas, solutions and connections take place. 

Dr. Success Challenge:  Sit with silence.  That is it.  Simple but far from easy.

If you would like to learn about the peom Desiderata go to:

I found the history of the poem as interesting as the poem itself.  The poem is remember, yet the author is generally omitted and unknown.  Now that is how to leave a legacy. 

Thank you Christi!
Enjoy, Andrea T. Goeglein, PhD

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