Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why Books Matter

I do not mean to beat a dead horse...yet twice in as many weeks I had the opportunity to participate in activities involving a book and how it contributed to bottom line of a non-profit benefiting children. Last week it was Be The Hero, by Noah Blumenthal, which I will update you on at the end of my post today. This week it was Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.

I had the privilege of witnessing a great act of philanthropy supported by the message in the book, Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell. When attempting to explain why she had funded the complete renovation and “greening” of a 40 plus year old Boys and Girls Club in the economically deprived North Las Vegas, NV area, the donor quoted the book Outliers and its author, Malcolm Gladwell. Using the examples of Bill Gates, The Beatles, and underutilized genius, Christopher Langan, cited in the book, the donor drew the parallel to helping children through the Boys and Girls Club by giving them opportunities to practice skills in a safe environment that they otherwise might not have the chance to experience. Many books are a great read. How many books have inspired the funding of a multimillion dollar project that will help children for decades to come? To continue the process of paying it forward, the donor also purchased 100 copies of the book and gave a copy to everyone in attendance. Well written book, well researched, and inspiring others to greatness. I would suggest author Malcolm Gladwell not blink, because he has already created a tipping point.

Now an update on the donation to the Miami Children's Hospital from sales of Be The Hero. In author Noah's own words:

"As we stated from the beginning, since we made the Amazon bestseller lists we will be donating 50% of our royalties from last week to the Miami Children's Hospital, but there is more to tell. This week was such a wonderful launch for the book, and the Miami Children's Hospital is such an amazing institution, we are going to continue our relationship with them. We have now made an arrangement to donate 10% of the royalties for Be The Hero for the life of the book!! So know that your efforts in recent weeks made a big difference to the hospital. And whatever ripple effect these efforts have will continue to benefit the hospital for years to come."

Dr. Success Challenge: The challenge this week is to ponder the question: What could I create in the field, profession or business that I love that could generate lasting income for a children's non-profit?

While you are pondering this question, why not make a donation to your local Boys and Girls Club?

With much appreciation for all the good that books have done, Andrea

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Andrea for all of your work helping people discover their better selves. I love the altruistic flavor of this post, but I also want to add another element. There is a fantastic self-serving aspect to this - when you help children, you feel great! So please, follow Andrea's advice. Help out the Boys and Girls Club or any other children's charity. The kids will benefit, and so will you.