Wednesday, February 18, 2009

All a Twitter in Las Vegas

To Twitter or Not To Twitter, That seems to be the big question!

Here is a Dr. Success suggestion for judging whether or not you should use Twitter, or any of the other untold number of social networking tools available. This suggestion comes in the form of rules I use to judge my participation:

1) Do not use any new technology for the first three months. Let the 14 year olds work themselves to death seeing how to use every available part of the new system. After three months observe how it is being used, whether you see a life-enhancing purpose for in you, then make your decision as to join or not to join. Reconsider your decision every 30 days.

2) Remember you are not 14 and generally don't need to see or hear from your friends 24/7. If what they were doing was so darned interesting, you would most likely be doing it with them.

3) The most important rule I use to assess most things in my life: Does it make me money and/or happy? If the answer to that is no, there is a second tier question: "does it allow me to deepen...I wrote "deepen"... a human connection. For this rule I use T. Boone Picken's suggestion of spending my time developing relationships that are a foot wide, but a mile deep.

Check out a current blog on Twitter at

Wishing you continued success,

Andrea T. Goeglein, Ph.D.
Dr. Success™

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